Избранное сообщение


пятница, 30 марта 2018 г.

Предлоги и артикли ЦТ 2009


1. описательное определение + сущ. в ед.ч.
a snug fit
a well-deserved reputation
a certain amount of
a tight deadline
a big advantage
a considerable sum  of money
an emergency call
an English-speaking country

2. исчисляемое сущ. в ед.ч.

a paper
a wreath of flowers
a horseshoe

3.such + исчисляемое сущ. в ед.ч.
such a thing

4. устойчивые сочетания

have a degree in
spend a fortune on
have a quarrel with
put an end to
to a certain extent
have a reputation for
earn a living


1. уточняющее определение

- придаточное предложение
the way it was pronounces
the training schedule that ...

2. прилагательное в превосходной степени

the latest news

3. группы людей\национальности

the homeless

4. устойчивые словосочетания
at the time
at the moment
in the wild
the unavoidable truth is ...

Нулевой артикль

1. неисчисляемые сущ.

ancient history

2. устойчивые выражения

do research in
free of charge
in charge of
by accident


Предлоги после существительных, глаголов, прилагательных

training in
have a degree in
research in
spend on
replace with
approve of
suitable for
upset at sth
upset with sb for doing sth
apologise to
reputation for
opposition to
deprive of
a commitment to
fluency in
keep his promise
angry about
succeed in
to be treated for
take pride in
burst into flames
apply for
offer for

Фразовые глаголы

ask for
wear out
put on
set up
go through

Предложные фразы

on the morning of her wedding
for luck
in the sun
on the phone
in captivity
at the top level
in itself
under pressure
in return for
on fire
on the Internet

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